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The Contract Advisory Centre Hesse is a common institution of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce
and Chamber of Crafts, Chamber of Engineers, Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners in Hesse
and the State of Hesse.

The membership of the State is carried out by the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Traffic and Regional Developement which is the leading administration concerning public procurement.

Since 1954, the Contract Advisory Centre Hesse has persued the aim to aid its members in a suitable participation in public contracts serving the interests of a free economy.

The Contract Advisory Centre informs and advices Hessian companies and public clients on the German and European public procurement.

HAD - Hessian Announcement Database

Mandatory publishing organ (since 2007) for all Hessian contracting authorities. Carried on for the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Traffic and Regional Developement

eHAD - electronic procurement platform eHAD

With the eHAD, we extend the service of the HAD and offer the processing of national and international invitations to tender from the announcement to the award by contracting authorities on an eProcurement platform. With the eHAD, we want to facilitate the first steps into electronic procurement for our contracting authorities.

This software is a multi-user solution. It gives you an ample scope to use VHB-Forms or your own pre-printed forms.
continue to eHAD - contracting authorities   -    A testplatform is available
to eHAD - tenderer

HPQR - Hessian Pre-Qualification-Register VOB-VOL-VOF

Pre-qualification means a previous and contract-independent validation and certification of proofs of suitability according to the procurement regulations for works, supplies and services (VOB,VOL,VOF). These documents have to be submitted by companies to prove their skills, efficiency, legality and reliability if they apply for public contracts.

PQ-VOL - Database

The nationwide pre-qualification database for supplies and services (since 2009)contains all companies that has been validated by Contract Advisory Centres or Chambers in respect of their suitability concerning the VOL. PQ-VOL


Advice for companies domiciled in Hesse and contracting authorities on all matters of public procurement, including the individual advice on opportunities, possibilities and appropriate contact persons at each contracting authority. Support of companies, from the preparation of a tender up to the conducting of public contracts. Clarification of discrepancies and complaints.

Seminars / Inhouse-Trainings

Seminars and inhouse-trainings aboút the topic "public procurement"

Advice about research opportunities in TED

Opportunities and use (instruction) of the electronic form of the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (TED) and other databases.

Provision of laws, decrees, regulations

Provision of the most important decrees, regulations and information concerning public procurement on the platform of the HAD.


in supraregional committees and associations in the field of public procurement.


Monitoring of key developments concerning public procurement on behalf of the chambers. Involvement in commenting public procurement