links | law
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Federal Law Gazette

A gratuitous READ-ONLY version of Federal Law Gazette Part I in 1998

Federal Cartel Office

Procurement decisions of the Federal Public Procurement Chamber
to the website

Checklist to review procedures

Federal Cartel Office: checklist for procurement procedures that have been started after the 24th April 2009 or later,

German law portal

The German law portal offers the whole range of information on legislation and laws: from the draft law to the consolidated legislative textincluding all amendments. Everything from one source. Everything at a glance. Everything linked completely and updated daily.

DVNW German procurement network

The German procurement network (DVNW) is an exclusive network for experts and decision makers in the public procurement law from jurisdiction and legal advice, business, administration, politics and science

European Commission

The European Single Market - public procurement

Laws on the Internet

Almost the entire current federal law on the Internet for free.

Hessian law

Governing consolidated (adjusted) Hessian state law on the basis of the Law and Regulation Journal, Part II (Law Gazette II) issued by theHessian Ministry of Justice.


Types of contracts for the procurement of IT for the public sector
For the procurement of information technology services, different model contracts are available for the federal, state and local governments (EVB-IT and BVB), covering nearly the full range of IT procurement. (The Commissioner the Federal Government for Information Technology)

Legal bases public procurement law Procurement Office

Leagl bases for public procurement law.

Legal protection - information sheet on legal protection in the award of public contracts

Federal Cartel Office - information sheet on legal protection in the award of public contracts
information sheet